Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My, Oh My, What a Wonderful Wednesday

Well, folks - Wednesday has rolled around again.

You know what that's time for "Wonderful Wednesday". For those of you who may be new to this blog, I've decided to devote Wednesdays as my day to celebrate and share the accomplishments and milestones my two Asperger sons have reached during the week.

And I have some great ones to share.

As I mentioned in my last post, Big Guy is quite good at English. His efforts in this subject paid off last night as he was awarded his school's Outstanding 12th Grade English Student of the Year. He also received a journalism pin for his contributions as a writer for the school newspaper.

Way to go, Big Guy!

Little Guy's accomplishment was not as spectacular, but no less important. He actually succeeded in taking off two articles of clothing by himself - his sandals and pajama pants (at different times). Some of you might be thinking "big deal, but at age two and a half, undressing oneself is something most toddlers do on a regular basis. This is a milestone in the area of self-help, where Little Guy is testing about 9-12 months behind. It is also important for kids to be able to remove their clothing as they learn to potty train, which we hope to attempt sometime in the coming months.

All in all, it's been a pretty exciting week!

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